Contact Six Seasons Garden Consulting

Demeter's Garden in the home garden of Six Seasons Garden Consulting owner Cheryl Capaldo Traylor.
Demeter’s Garden

Let’s get you growing

Do you enjoy gardening but feel unsure about what to do and when to do it? Does the idea of pruning, mulching, and fertilizing make you cringe or, worse, send you to the internet for conflicting advice? I can help by giving you the skills and confidence you need to have more fun in the garden.

Learn how to maintain your garden, choose the best plants for your yard, and have fun doing it. You’ll be more confident making decisions about your landscape with an experienced gardener and avid plantsperson working beside you.

See the types of services I offer, and then contact Six Seasons Garden Consulting. Let’s get you growing!

Cheryl Capaldo Traylor
Six Seasons Garden Consulting owner

Six Seasons Garden Consulting Mission

Creating beautiful & sustainable gardens while inspiring a sense of play, curiosity, and wonder

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Beautiful. Sustainable. Fun.

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The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul.

Alfred Austin

English poet laureate 1896