Services at Six Seasons Garden Consulting

Gardening can be confusing—pruning, planting, fertilizing, mulching, winterizing, watering. When to do a certain chore? How to do it? And most importantly why am I doing this? The decisions can be overwhelming and seemingly endless. But I like to approach gardening from the perspective of play. That’s not to say that it’s not a lot of work—it is! But, I believe gardening should also be fun.

Where else but a garden can we channel our inner child and delight in the world of nature—digging in the soil; observing flowers, creepy-crawlies, and insects closeup; creating living art vignettes; and feeling in tune with a different rhythm—one that makes you lose track of time.

A garden is the perfect place for adults to shed all expectations of perfection and just have fun! Creating a beautiful space where you can relax, entertain family and friends, and enjoy nature are bonus benefits.

Gardening has enriched my life on so many levels. I want to share what I’ve learned in my 25-plus years as a professional and home gardener in hopes that you, too, will find joy, health, and peace in your garden. I want to give you permission to play! Check out what types of services I offer below, and let me know what you need to get you growing!


Services to get you growing

Performing site assessments and helping you define your garden needs and wants
Helping you choose plants to attract pollinators, including birds, bees, and butterflies
Explaining and demonstrating sustainable gardening practices
Showing you how to work with nature to create beautiful spaces that bring you joy
Identifying the plants in your garden, including weeds
Teaching garden maintenance techniques: winterizing, pruning, mulching, planting, fertilizing, etc.
Demonstrating plant propagation methods: seeds, division, cuttings, and layering
Creating garden maintenance schedules and plans
Being a personal plant shopper (established clients only) and teaching you how to shop for healthy plants
Troubleshooting problems and following up on your questions and concerns
Creating winter gardens—a passion of mine
Helping newly-transplanted gardeners acclimate to gardening in the Triangle region
Helping gardeners of any skill set feel more confident
Encouraging and inspiring clients to have more fun in their gardens
Working in your garden when you don’t have the time or inclination
Need other help in the garden? Send me a note, and let’s get you growing.

Six Seasons Garden Consulting Mission

Creating beautiful & sustainable gardens while inspiring a sense of play, curiosity, and wonder

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Beautiful. Sustainable. Fun.

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In the end, we will conserve only what we love, we will love only what we understand, and we will understand only what we are taught.

BABA Dioum

Senegalese forestry engineer